so much want to see 意味

  • どうしても(人)に会いたくなる


        want so much to be home:    家に帰りたくて仕方{しかた}がない[うずうずする]
        problems that we see so much of today:    今日頻繁{こんにち ひんぱん}に見られる問題{もんだい}
        want to see:    期待{きたい}する
        (not so) much:    (not so) much 大して たいして
        in so much as:    =
        in so much that:    =
        not so much as:    ~すらしない、~さえもしない He cannot so much as take the train by himself. 彼は一人で電車にさえ乗れない。 He cannot so much as write his own name. 彼は自分の名前を書くことすらできない。 He did not so much as say good-bye to me. 彼は私にさよならを言うことすらし
        so much:    so much 然迄 さまで 此れ程 これほど
        so much for:    ~についてはそれだけにしておく So much for that plan. その計画についてはそれだけにしておく。 Well, so much for preliminaries. 前置きはこのくらいにしましょう。
        so much so that:    ~するほどまで、そういう訳で、なので、従って I am crazy in love with you, so much so that I was thinking I couldn't live without you.
        see much of:    ~にしばしば会う Do you see much of Professor Gordon on campus? 学内でゴードン教授にはよく会いますか。
        want someone to see:    (人)に~を見せたい
        want to see for oneself:    自分{じぶん}の目で見てみたい
        want to see the situation deteriorate:    状況{じょうきょう}の悪化{あっか}を望む
        want very much to:    ~したくて仕方がない


  1. "so much of my thing is that" 意味
  2. "so much of our resources had to be devoted to the war effort" 意味
  3. "so much so that" 意味
  4. "so much the better" 意味
  5. "so much walking wore holes in his shoes" 意味
  6. "so near and yet so far" 意味
  7. "so near copes" 意味
  8. "so not polite" 意味
  9. "so obese" 意味
  10. "so much the better" 意味
  11. "so much walking wore holes in his shoes" 意味
  12. "so near and yet so far" 意味
  13. "so near copes" 意味

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